Above is an artist's impression of the Atlantis Hotel circa early 20th century,
reprinted from a Mark Waterman mural located in the hotel's dining room.
The new Atlantis.... .is the old Atlantis
She is Atlantis as she was intended to she should be.
She stands at the edge of the ever rolling Atlantic which ebbs and flows at her feet.
For more than a hundred years she has stood there impassively gazing into the great beyond.
And if she could speak what a tale she would tell.
She might start with her stories about the old railway which brought her her first guests back in the 1880ís, of the many fishing boats she has watched bobbing as they weaved their way through the safe channels setting out or returning from their fishing trips.
Of the men who manoeuvre these gaily painted craft.
Of those men and boats that never came back.
She might tell us of her many guests and visitors over the last 100 years, her various owners - Mrs. McConney, Ms. Griffith, Mr. Stokes, Mr. & Mrs. Gates and of course her longest owner Ms. Enid Maxwell, from 1945 until 2002.